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Treatment of varicose veins with ointments and gels

Ointment for varicose veins | Treatment of varicose veins with gel

No. No matter how hard, you do not rub any ointment or gel, varicose veins will never disappear from this! Skin is one of the largest organs in the human body. The skin performs a number of biologically important functions to ensure normal human activity, the main of which are: barrier and protective functions. Healthy and unaffected skin is an insurmountable barrier to any medicinal substances, thanks to the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The structure of the stratum corneum can be compared to a “well-built brick wall”. Therefore, you should not rub useless ointments daily, and spend on expensive gels! Since, the main effect of this process is not in the gel, but in a light massage of the legs, which acts soothingly and temporarily relieves the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. The other side is the allergic factor, which manifests itself in many patients with prolonged use of gels. Perhaps you say that the gels help you, well, then let it be so, use it, but remember that you do not treat the disease, but only temporarily remove the symptoms.



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